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Dangerously Unemployed: Black, Educated and Gifted; The Talented Tenth

I have a friend who was born and raised in one of the most impoverished cities in America, with one of the highest crime rates in the US.  Despite coming from a city that reflects all of the...

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Michael Jordan Is Not His Brother’s Keeper, So Why Are We Dying For His Sneakers

We have all seen and read the news stories of people being beaten, killed and the crazy mobs that happen over a pair of Jordans.  Now I am not going to sit here and pretend to be on high horse, because...

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Materialism: The Black Family’s Inheritance

I had a conversation with my cousin the other day and she said something that furthered triggered some feelings that I had been having.  We were talking about school shopping for her son and she stated...

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Black NonProfits, Black Leadership: Black Failure

Black nonprofits under black leadership are supposed to benefit the people right?  But what happens when the head of an organization, movement or corporation is so out of touch with the world that they...

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Ferguson: What the Media Won’t Show

As we all know, when it comes to black and brown people, the media oftentimes does not accurately tell our story.  They will twist and turn it around, until even Hitler seems like a Saint.  Yes, there...

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A Walk Down Ferguson: The Beauty In Our Protest

Imagine having an entire generation of young people, who have all loss someone close to them to a violent death.  There is a collective pain that not even they understand.  Most of them feel as if...

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Pull a Trigger, Kill a N*gger, He’s a Hero? Video Footage of Another Police...

$2 for a soda $1 for a cigar, what is a black life worth? Below is the video footage of the second young black man that has been shot and killed in St. Louis, MO within the last two weeks.  I watched...

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Peace and Positivity: Even When it Hurts

Prejudice looks something like this, seeing someone and without even knowing their name much less their character you judge them based off of what they look like. Humanity then is when they speak and...

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Undercover Colors: Date Rape Detection Fingernail Polish

Some gruesome statistics about rape culture in America, is that a woman is sexually assaulted every two minutes. Further, 1 in every 4 college women have been sexually assaulted, 60% of rapes are never...

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Do Black Lives Matter to the Divine Nine: Black Greeks’ Silence on Ferguson...

The date was March 3, 1913 when the women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., participated in their first act of social service by way of the Women’s Suffrage March.   Not only were they women, but...

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